How to select a good door lock

1. The place used and its importance.(door lock)
That is, consider using it on the street front door, hall door, room, bathroom or channel, so as to select products suitable for the required functions.

2. Environment, conditions and requirements for use(door lock)
The advantages and disadvantages of the use environment should be considered, such as dry humidity, door structure, thickness, left or right door, inner or outer door, so as to prevent buying the wrong product.

3. Consider coordination with decoration environment(door lock)
According to their own preferences, the coordination and supporting facilities of their rooms should be considered when purchasing products.

4. Consider the situation of family members(door lock)
Consider whether there are elderly, children or disabled people at home and choose products that are convenient for him or her to use.

5. Consider affordability(door lock)
In combination with the family economic situation, those with sufficient economy can buy high-grade products, and those with less ideal economy can choose low-grade products. However, it should be noted that whether high-grade or low-grade products are selected, whether the strength and quality of the production enterprise are strong and stable should be considered. It is recommended to choose the products of enterprises with appropriate popularity, Avoid causing financial losses and unnecessary troubles and troubles to daily life.